
Inflation Versus Hyperinflation: Ways To Cope

Inflation Versus Hyperinflation: Ways To Cope

When trying to keep your financial boat afloat, it helps to know if the economic waves are going up, down, or sideways. Additional knowledge can help to protect your hard-earned savings, assets, and income. This article discusses different types of inflationary environments and provides you with options for surviving (and maybe even thriving in) them.

“What Is Money?

“What Is Money?

Without a money system, you might have to barter and accept chickens, apples, shoes, or cheese as payment for a job well done… Are money and currency the same thing? Not exactly. Money and currency are both related to our spending habits, but they are actually different things.

Know Your Business’ KPIs

Know Your Business’ KPIs

You’ve started a venture, and business is good. There’s a healthy stream of customers with apparent revenue to match. Things are looking up, right? Maybe, but you can’t really be sure without running the numbers… And the keys to growing and scaling your business lay in a jungle of arithmetic called KPIs, key performance indicators.

Building In Isolation

Building In Isolation

So you’re left with no choice but to continue crafting your dream alone… Don’t despair. Your dream might be radically different because it’s ahead of its time. It’s okay if people can’t appreciate the value of your vision; they just lack the ability to appreciate the finished product until it’s done.

Meeting Your Customers Where They Are

Meeting Your Customers Where They Are

What’s a businessperson do when their client platform can be counted on one hand (and no fingers)? If you find yourself in this situation (of having legitimate value to offer even though no one knows your business name), there’s hope. You just need to start marketing your offer to the people who want it the most. In most cases, your target audience will fall into one of two categories – people who are already seeking support and those who have yet to realize that they would like your help.